🎤 How to prevent spam complaints Tips for sending emails that keep your spam complaint rate low
🎤 Why do spam complaint rates matter? Spam complaint rates are a clear measure of the sending performance of your app. A high number of spam complaints indicate that the email recipients didn't understand why they received the email, didn't believe they should have received it or didn't know how to unsubscribe.
🎤 See who unsubscribed from your emails You can see how many and which customers unsubscribed from your emails after receiving a particular email. Just click into that email, select the ‘Failed’ message stat, then click ‘Marked as spam.'
🎤 How to prevent spam complaints Intercom is designed to help you make personal, valuable connections with your customers. Here are some tips to help you keep your spam complaint rates low:
🎤 What is considered a high spam complaint rate? There will always be users who will mark a message as spam when they have genuinely opted in. A healthy spam complaint rate is about 0.02% which allows for 2 in every 10,000 messages to be marked as spam. If we see a particularly poor performance in this area, we reserve the right to suspend email sending on your app while this is investigated.
🎤 Supporting email clients' built in unsubscription methods Any email sent from Intercom which is not a 1:1 email will always include a list unsubscribe header. We do this as it positively impacts deliverability for emails. Some ESPs like Gmail turn this header into an unsubscribe button even when there isn't one embedded within the email.