Text to Speech

Guidde’s 100% natural-sounding AI voices in over 30 languages make professional voiceovers for your videos

What is Guidde’s Voiceover

Choose from a variety of accents and tones in over 30 languages, and eliminate the need for professional recording studios or voice actors.

Guidde's Text-to-Speech Voiceover transforms your written text into natural-sounding voiceovers for your Guidde video content.

Why Your Videos Needs Voiceovers?

Higher Engagement

Voiceovers add a personal element to your videos, making them more engaging. Guidde’s voiceovers can convey emotions, tone, and enthusiasm, helping to connect with your audience and hold their attention.

Furthermore, Guidde offers voiceovers in a variety of accents, making it easier to reach a wider audience and expand your global presence.

Clarity and Accessibility

Voiceovers can make your message easier to understand. They provide an auditory explanation that complements the visual content, making it easier for viewers to grasp topics or instructions.

With Guidde's voiceovers, you can enhance the accessibility of your content for individuals with visual impairments or those who prefer audio content. This inclusivity can expand your reach and impact.

Add a Personal Touch

With Guidde’s voiceovers, you can boost your videos with a personal touch. Whether it's a product explanation or an onboarding guide, a human voice can make your audience feel more connected to the content.

With Guidde, you can choose from a variety of voices to find the perfect fit for your brand and message.

How to Add Voiceovers to Your Videos

Adding images to your videos is a simple process with Guidde:

Record a Video with Guidde

First, you begin by recording your video with Guidde’s web extension. Simply download the extension, click on the red 'record' button, and go through your workflow. After this, follow the prompts to save the video and open Guidde’s Video Editor.

Create Your Voiceover

In the Video Editor, navigate to the Text-to-Voice feature. Here, you can input your desired text for each slide (or let AI generate it for you).

Choose a Language and Voice

Now you can see how your text sounds with different voices. Each language has a variety of male and female voices to choose from, and each voice can be previewed by clicking ‘Sample’. Select the voice that most aligns with your brand and message and click ‘Add Voiceover.’

Record a Video with Guidde

Now you can see how your text sounds with different voices. Each language has a variety of male and female voices to choose from, and each voice can be previewed by clicking ‘Sample’. Select the voice that most aligns with your brand and message and click ‘Add Voiceover.’

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Title gose here

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Title gose here

description gose here

Why Create Videos with Guidde?

In today's digital landscape, videos are the go-to medium for effective communication and engagement. Guidde empowers you to create engaging video content 11 times faster than other methods. Here are some practical applications:

Say Goodbye to Camera Shyness

Camera shyness or bad hair days are no longer roadblocks to creating engaging videos. With Guidde, you can craft professional, camera-free content even on those off days. This feature ensures your videos maintain a polished and engaging look, regardless of how camera-ready you are.

Enhancing Knowledge Bases

Videos are a powerful asset for knowledge bases, and offer easy access to essential information with step-by-step visual guidance and voiceovers that simplify complex processes. 

Streamlining Onboarding

Guidde videos simplify training and onboarding processes for new employees, allowing for quick and efficient integration into your organization. Onboarding videos minimize the learning curve, provide a consistent training experience, and ensure employees are productive from day one.

Product Explanation 

Guidde’s videos serve as excellent tools for onboarding new customers or explaining new features or tools. By recording your workflow, Guidde videos can provide step-by-step guidance for users. This reduces the time spent onboarding customers by a significant amount. 

Add Professional Voiceovers to Your Videos

Guidde’s versatile online video editing software now features a cutting-edge Text-to-Voice tool. Enhance your videos with natural and engaging voiceovers, without the need for a recording studio. Whether it's adding narrations, voice instructions, or podcasts, we've got you covered.

Our text-to-voice feature supports multiple languages and accents, ensuring a professional touch to your video content.

This professional video enhancement is fast and straightforward. Just upload your video, input your text or let AI generate it for you, select the voice and style you prefer, and voilà! Your video comes to life with a rich, lifelike voiceover.

It's a game-changer for anyone looking to augment their videos with spoken content. Plus, our easy-to-use interface guarantees a seamless user experience.

How to Use Text-to-Voice

Upload or Start with a Template

Begin by recording your video with Guidde’s web extension. Simply download the extension, and click the red ‘record’ button. 

Create Your Voiceover

Begin by recording your video with Guidde’s web extension. Simply download the extension, and click the red ‘record’ button. 

and Share

Begin by recording your video with Guidde’s web extension. Simply download the extension, and click the red ‘record’ button. 

Your Videos, Enriched with
Guidde's Text-to-Voice

Your Content

Guidde's Text-to-Voice feature allows you to add lifelike voiceovers to your videos, enhancing their quality and appeal. Your content becomes more engaging and accessible to a broader audience.

A World of Possibilities

Beyond voiceovers, Guidde provides a suite of video editing tools. Add effects, text, images, subtitles, and more. Polish your videos to professional standards without the need for expensive software.


Enrich your videos with music, sound effects, and even voiceovers generated from your text. Guidde's diverse audio library and AI-powered text-to-speech software open up a world of possibilities for your content.

With Guidde's Text-to-Voice feature, your videos gain a new dimension of engagement, accessibility, and professionalism.

Upgrade your video content effortlessly, and explore a wealth of creative possibilities with Guidde's versatile video editing tools.