Guidde vs WalkMe

Guidde offers more features and benefits than WalkMe, especially in terms of video capabilities, automatic storyline, transcript, searchability, audio text to speech generation, and unified video and documentation catering to the viewer preference. Don’t believe us? see for yourself!

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Why choose
Guidde over WalkMe?


General capabilities

Walkme is built for in-app walkthroughs / guided tours.

Automatically generates video storylines and audio voiceover combined with screenshots for seamless capture in seconds.

Custom branding

Blur sensitive information

SSO (Okta, Microsoft Entra ID, 1Login)

Automatic storyline

Transcript and audio text to speech generation

Unified video and documentation catering to the viewer preference

Natural-sounding voices in different languages and accents

Text to voice generation

Video privacy controls

Video tracking links

Video analytics

Background music

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