Godfreycollins0123 • Feb 21, 2023
18 steps • 4 minutes read
🎤 How to create a survey Learn how to set up your survey in this step-by-step guide.
🎤 Designing a survey is fast and easy, let’s get started. Create a new survey First, go to Outbound > Surveys and click “New survey”.
🎤 Then choose to build your survey from scratch or use a template. For this example, we’ll start from scratch.
🎤 Note: Small format surveys can be used to get a quick response from customers, such as a Star rating. Large format surveys allow you to give your survey some context with an Intro screen and are great for more detailed responses, such as Multiple choice. Learn how to optimize your survey format for your use case here. Then, give your survey a title. For example, if you’re designing a survey to capture new users’ roles and experience, you could call it “Onboarding: Roles + Experience”.
🎤 Survey settings In Survey settings, you can send your survey from any teammate, or hide the sender entirely. You can also enable/disable a few other customizations: Add an Intro screen (large format surveys only) - this lets you set expectations and provide customers with some context before they begin the survey. Allow customers to dismiss the survey - use with caution! If this is disabled, customers will continue to see the survey until they complete it, they no longer match the rules, or the survey gets paused by you. Show customers a progress bar - this lets customers see how much of th
🎤 Tip: It's often a good idea to send a survey from a teammate to make it feel more personal. However, if you're looking for honest feedback, in our experience it can be a good idea to hide the sender. Next, select the platforms (Web, iOS and/or Android) you want the survey to be delivered on:
🎤 Note: You can choose to deliver your survey to web only, mobile only or across both web and mobile platforms. If multiple delivery platforms are selected, the survey will be shown on whichever platform your customer visits first. For example, if all three platforms (Web, iOS, Android) are chosen and your customer first opens on your iOS app, they will receive the survey on iOS and will not receive it on Web or Android. Learn more about creating and sending a survey on mobile. Add questions and steps Next, go to Step 1 and choose the type of question you want.
🎤 See a full overview of all supported question types.
🎤 Tip: What you see on the right in your survey composer is an example of how the question will look to your customers. Simply, click the default question on your survey preview to edit the copy.
🎤 Use Questions settings to manage:
🎤 You can add more questions to the same step by clicking “Add question” and another question will appear below. Or, if you want to add more steps with different questions, click the “+” above the survey preview to add another step.
🎤 Once you’ve added all your questions, click on “Thanks” to personalize your thank you step.
🎤 You can also choose to send customers down different paths in your survey based on how they respond to questions. Find out more about using branching logic here.
🎤 If you want customers to take action after completing the survey, you can add a link that directs them where to go next. For example, if you’ve created an onboarding survey, you might take them to a page where they can find tips for getting started.
🎤 Customize Surveys can be customized and personalized to visually match your brand and look native to your product. Here are several ways you can customize your survey:
🎤 Preview Check out how your survey will look and behave for customers before setting it live by generating a live preview.
🎤 You can see how the survey appears on a blank page or on a page in your product by entering the URL that you would like it to appear on:
🎤 Explore how the survey behaves by answering the questions. This won't impact the response stats. Tip: If you have added branching logic, it’s a good idea to reset the preview and test out all possible paths in your survey.