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Scott Visagie • Dec 22, 2022
25 steps • 1 minute read
Go to
2.Under "Channels"Click "Talk"
3.Click "IVR"
4.Click "Add menu"
5.Click the Settings
6.Click "Edit"
7.Add a IVR name
8.Click "Menu levels (1)"
9.Add a IVR greating that presents required options
10.Click "Add Route"
11.The Caller will choose from an option of Routes as describes in the IVR recording
12.Select an action
13.Select a destination
14.Click "Save"
15.Keep adding routes as per your IVR options
16.Example Routes now all added
17.Click "Save"
18.Click "Lines" to open the phone settings
19.Click settings
20.Click "Routing"
21.Click Here to activate IVR function
22.Click Here
23.Select the IVR you have created
24.Click "Save changes"
25.Thanks for watching
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