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Can you tell us a bit about your background?
Where do you work? What’s your role? And how long have you been in the Industry?

I'm a software engineer who made a move to the business world ~15 years ago and joined the CS movement 6 years ago, where I held different positions, including IC and Leadership roles.I am currently VP of Customer Success @ Cymbio.
Cymbio enables digital sales growth for brands with the world's first brand-centric, drop-ship and marketplace platform. Our all-encompassing, B2B automation hub supports all systems, protocols, and vendors while seamlessly exposing brands to a global retail ecosystem.  

Let’s dive in, tell us how you go about driving engagement in your software?

As CS professionals our job is to deliver value to our customers. I believe that a customer who will not see value in our software won't use it. In this case, our main job to drive engagement is to make sure our software is providing value. It starts by selling to the right customers and really understanding their pain points - why they purchased your software and what they expect to achieve. The onboarding phase is critical where we help get our customers live and provide them with the right tools to get things going. Following go-live, the CSMs work closely with the customer to drive engagement by 1x1 sessions, online training and events/webinars. A community is also a great way of driving engagement.

How do you think an organization can encourage a knowledge sharing culture?

by example - identify power users and leaders and make sure to train them well - they will then show the way to the rest
have an accessible & easy to use Knowledge base - make sure it is updated constantly.
provide ongoing enablement - make sure your team is presenting

What are the top 3 things that you would like to see being impacted by a software enablement methodology/platform?

1. Customer becoming more self-sufficient - this will increase customer motivation, improve time-to-value, and will reduce the load on the CSM & Support teams
2. Faster onboarding
3. CSMs focusing more on strategy and less on tactics - which is what we all thrive to :)

What measurements and KPIs do you use today to define your Software Engagement goals?

1. Usage / license-utilization - this is the basics. if no one is using our product, no value is perceived and churn will follow.
2. Key feature adoption - engagement is not just usage, it's also how "deep" your product is being used. This is also a great way to echo the VOC back to your Product team.
3. Getting more "how-to" support tickets (not issues) - the more customers are engaged with your platform, the more value they will try to extract from it. Asking support "How-To" questions is a great indicator of good engagement and you should add more enablement around these areas.

Personal Question to close the talk. Since we know sharing the Knowhow is a team effort and we are big sports fans. What is your most memorable team sports moment?

That would be the Zalgiris Miracle.

When all looked gone, Maccabi came back with this amazing throw + 3 points with the buzzer :)

If someone wants to connect with you, what’s the best way to do it? Social/Email etc?

You can always find me on LinkedIn :)

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