
How to Improve Employee Sales Skills via Video Training

Learn how to improve employees' skills with video training to boost sales and performance.

Iliana Sanchez
Jun 25, 2024
min read

Learning sales skills is an ongoing process. Continuous training lets you stay informed about industry changes, new technologies, and evolving customer preferences. It gives you a competitive edge to boost sales.

This article discusses how to use video training to enhance employee sales skills.

Essential Skills To Get Better at Sales

Success in sales is built, not born. While some may have a natural talent, it'll only get them so far. You should learn and refine your skills through continued practice.

Essential sales skills include:

Advantages of Video Training for Learning Sales

To help your employees get better at sales, video training offers unparalleled accessibility. You can access the material from a phone, tablet, or laptop from anywhere in the world. Other advantages include:

  • Multi-sensory Learning: Videos combine dynamic 3D animations with suspenseful music and an engaging storytelling approach to make complex scientific principles clear and memorable.
  • Personalized Content: You can customize the learning approach to suit your needs and preferences.
  • Cost-Effective: Training your entire workforce over time is possible, removing educators' need to travel or make room for employees' busy schedules.
  • Quick and Easy: AI-driven video editing software like guidde make it easy for anyone to create high-quality videos without design expertise. You can also update and share your videos on-demand anytime.

Video Training Disadvantages

Limitations you might encounter when using video-based training include:

  • Connectivity Issues: Slow or inconsistent internet connection or lack of WiFi can impact employee studies.
  • Learning Preferences: Some individuals prefer in-person learning and will struggle to retain knowledge with video training.
  • Equipment: Not everyone may have access to a mobile device, tablet, or laptop, and there could be compatibility issues with certain software.

Sales Skill Development: Overcoming Common Challenges

Hire experienced educators who understand that adults often have competing priorities and learn best through bite-sized online modules, case studies, and peer-to-peer papers. They can tailor sales training materials to address these differences, ensuring employees retain knowledge.

Invest in industry trend conferences and create influential online learning playlists for your team to stay ahead of our competitors in the rapidly evolving technology sector. Continuous studying keeps employees up-to-date with market dynamics and empowers them to contribute innovative solutions.

Comprehensive planning is necessary to overcome challenges. Clearly outline your objectives, identify your target audience and needs, and establish measurable success criteria.

» Want to simplify a complex workflow? Make the best step-by-step video guides

Embracing an Interactive Approach

Create a collaborative learning environment where everyone's a teacher and a student—share, learn, fail, and succeed togethercollective brainstorming results in creative solutions to overcome obstacles. Include interactivity through role-playing scenarios, case studies, multiple-choice games, and quizzes.

Practice navigating heated scenarios with angry customers and propose win-win solutions, building confidence that translates to real-world success. Imagine closing deals more efficiently by calmly addressing concerns, actively listening, and exceeding client expectations.

Tip: Encourage active participation with rewards and incentives, incorporating various activities. For example, divide employees into teams for collaborative problem-solving after watching a sales how-to video.

A woman presenting a topic for sales skill development.
A woman in a business suit holding a clipboard

Don't Forget To Follow Up

Do performance assessments or individual interviews after a few months to measure the retention of the training content. You'll be able to use this feedback to pinpoint areas for improvement and implement these changes in upcoming sessions. Ask questions like:

  • What are three things you would improve?
  • What are three things you enjoyed?
  • What would you change?

» Is your training paying off? Find out how to measure employee training effectiveness

Level Up Your Sales Force With Video Training

With its endless PowerPoint decks and droning lectures, traditional sales training is as appealing as a cold call to a robot. But times are changing, and video can be a dynamic and engaging tool to transform your team.

Sales is about connecting with people, so ditch the stuffy corporate narrator and bring authenticity to the screen. Use real-life case studies, customer testimonials, and role-playing scenarios to illustrate concepts and show how skills translate into action.

AI-driven tools like guidde can also help you, as they offer recording, automatic transcription, engaging visuals, and smart editing tools.

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