
How Companies Are Using AI Video Generators to Create Training Videos

Explore how AI automates video creation for engaging, cost-effective training. Learn more about AI video generators for training videos and see the benefit

Arjel Vajvoda
Jul 6, 2024
min read

Imagine this: you’re a busy L&D manager at a growing company. You need to train a new sales team on your complex product suite, but you don’t have the time or budget to create high-quality explainer videos. In the past, you might have been stuck with text-heavy manuals that would bore your learners.

Today, there’s a new option: AI video generators. These powerful tools can help you create professional-looking training videos in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional methods.

You can simply input your script, choose a spokesperson avatar, and let the AI do the rest. So if you’re looking for a way to improve your employee training programs, then let's explore why AI video generators are definitely worth considering.

What Are AI Training Video Generators?

AI video generators are software programs with user-friendly interfaces. Companies can use them to create professional-looking training clips, even without prior experience in filmmaking. These tools eliminate the need for expensive cameras, editing suites, or special effects programs.

Powered by AI, they use natural language processing (NLP) to understand the meaning behind your words. For example, you can describe a scene from a script, like a bustling city street at night. The NLP translates this description into instructions for machine learning algorithms, which generate the video.

Automating Video Production Workflows

Beyond user-friendly interfaces, AI video generators streamline the entire production. These tools automate various stages, saving you significant time and effort. Imagine a workflow that once required extensive manual labor is now simplified with features like:

  • Pre-built assets: Access vast libraries of templates, avatars, backgrounds, and animations to build your video's foundation quickly.
  • Text-to-video magic: Provide a script or outline, and AI converts it into a video using natural language processing (NLP).
  • Global reach: Create multilingual versions of your video with AI-powered voice-over and dubbing capabilities in multiple languages.
  • Smart editing tools: Focus on your content, not tedious tasks. AI assists with adding closed or open captions and optimizing for different platforms.

How Businesses Can Use AI Video Generators

Major enterprises are reaping the benefits of AI video generators by using them for a wide range of employee training needs, such as:

Streamlined Onboarding

Traditionally, onboarding new employees often involves lengthy manuals and presentations. AI generators can create comprehensive video guides to streamline the process. These bite-sized clips explain specific tools, step-by-step processes, and relevant company policies in a clear way.

Companies can also leverage AI to rapidly build extensive video training libraries that cover all essential onboarding areas. This process ensures consistent and efficient knowledge transfer for new hires.

Customer Support and Education

AI-powered videos can visually guide users through the initial setup and core functionalities of your product. This format enhances the user experience by replacing lengthy text instructions with engaging visuals.

Step-by-step demonstrations address common pain points by providing a visual reference for users encountering initial hurdles. This not only streamlines onboarding but also empowers customers to troubleshoot minor issues independently, fostering a sense of self-sufficiency.

Software Walkthroughs and Documentation

AI video generators transform product documentation and release guides into engaging, detailed visual walkthroughs for training. They eliminate the need for lengthy text-based manuals.

You can automatically convert a new feature or workflow into a clear, narrated video explanation. This approach provides customers with a more intuitive and user-friendly learning experience. It reduces customer support inquiries and ensures consistent, accurate information delivery.

Note: Innovative platforms like guidde streamline this process by automatically capturing software walkthroughs and generating narrated explainer videos, making each new feature or workflow crystal clear.

AI Video Generators: 4 Benefits for Training

AI video generators are transforming the way companies create and deliver training materials. These innovative tools offer a multitude of advantages, setting a new standard for educational content development:

  1. Reduced production time: Scripting, casting, filming, and editing are lengthy processes. AI video generators dramatically accelerate them.
  2. Cost-effective solutions: By streamlining production, AI video generators offer a worthwhile approach to creating high-quality training content. You don't need expensive studios, actors, and editing software.
  3. Unmatched efficiency: The automated nature of AI video generation allows organizations to rapidly update training materials. Your workforce always has access to the most relevant information.
  4. Enhanced accessibility: Some AI video generators can create content in over 120 languages. This makes training materials readily accessible to your global workforce, fostering a more inclusive environment.

» Discover how to make an instructional video with screen recording

4 Ways AI Video Generators Streamline Workflows

1. Streamlining Workflows and Elevating Creativity

AI scriptwriting tools are shaking up the writing process by offering a suite of features that assist at every stage, from brainstorming initial ideas to crafting detailed narratives.

These tools automate tasks like scene formatting and character development, freeing you up to focus on the creative spark. Additionally, AI can help ensure consistency across scripts, maintaining a cohesive tone and style throughout your work.

2. Maintaining Brand Consistency

Maintaining brand consistency is crucial for creating compelling video content. AI scriptwriting tools can be a powerful asset here. Customizable templates and custom avatars empower brands to ensure their AI-generated videos seamlessly reflect a unique identity.

These features help you incorporate your brand's color palette and fonts and even create characters that embody your brand personality. Consistency builds trust and recognition with your audience.

Tip: You should still review the AI-generated content to ensure accuracy, message relevance, and alignment with your brand. This approach is valuable if you're creating training videos for complex scenarios where clear communication is critical.

3. Integrating User Feedback for Enhanced Engagement

By actively gathering and incorporating user feedback throughout the video creation process, brands can ensure their content resonates more deeply with the target audience.

This approach leads to videos that are specifically tailored to audience preferences, resulting in increased engagement and a stronger connection with viewers.

4. Updating Guidelines

Clear and up-to-date guidelines for AI content creation within an organization are essential. They should address best practices in areas like data selection, bias mitigation, and fact-checking.

Regularly reviewing and revising them ensures compliance with ethical and legal standards. This proactive approach allows the organization to leverage the latest advancements in AI technology while maintaining the quality and effectiveness of its content.

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Challenges of AI Video Generators

AI's dependency on vast amounts of data and its opaque "black box" nature can lead to outputs that don't align with company training objectives. AI's prediction also creates "filter bubbles," isolating users from contrasting viewpoints.

Solution: Training AI systems on diverse and up-to-date datasets, mitigates bias and inaccuracies. Updating AI models with the latest knowledge also helps maintain content relevance.

AI's extensive data collection capabilities also raise significant privacy issues, like exploitation. Increased vulnerability to cyber attacks is another concern.

Solution: Prioritizing privacy and security helps avoid risks associated with AI video generators, safeguarding sensitive information. Ensure compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR while adopting transparent collection and usage policies.

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AI Learns, Employees Earn 

AI video generators are a promising new tool for companies creating training content. While they can streamline production and offer wider accessibility, it's important to be aware of the limitations.

Ensuring content accuracy, mitigating bias, and fostering learner engagement require careful planning and human oversight. But as technology continues to develop, AI video generators can become a powerful asset for creating effective and engaging training.

Training videos often rely heavily on screen recordings to demonstrate software features or workflows. Guidde simplifies this process by capturing your activity and automatically generating captions, saving time and effort compared to manual editing.

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