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More companies are offering remote work, and engaging with customers has taken to an online platform. If you have wanted to develop a step by step guide template, you may be wondering where to start? Step by step guides help answer questions, provide instructions, or clarify product use.

They can be used for onboarding employees or customer retention, and everything in between. So what better way to help you develop step by step guides than a guide itself?

Keep reading on and learn about five helpful tips to get you started with developing your next online guide!

1. Use Step by Step Instructions

Whether you have complex or simple step by step guides, ensure you use clearly outlined instructions. There are a few ways to do this, including:

  • Written
  • Visual
  • Audio

You can even combine all three, but you don't want to overwhelm consumers or other employees. Keep the formatting clean and target one category at a time. For example, if you use written instructions, use headers, bullet points, and structured font and sizing for easy scanning.

Learning styles used to be widely popular, targeting certain styles based on various tests and measures. Now, research is showing that it may have been more harmful than good. Although, it is vital that you engage readers with some sort of visual, such as:

  • Charts
  • Graphs
  • Pictures
  • Videos

Whatever your online guides are, make them unique and always ensure they highlight your brand and goal.

2. Use Current Research

Current research will give you the online instructions needed to create your template guide. If you have a tech company, you may wonder what the latest interests are.

As an example, virtual reality technology has increased substantially in recent years. By 2028, the virtual reality market is projected to grow by 44.8%, reaching $84.09 billion. You can use simple Google searches, but it helps if you have data and analytics that track your current consumer engagement and trends.

On the other hand, increasing the use of technology in your industry can also pay dividends. Embedded video knowledge increases customer engagement.

These videos also help your team utilize support enablement and see what customers have questions about. It delivers fast and reliable insight to grow and develop your brand to keep up with the latest trends.

3. Find Your Target Audience

All these helpful tips on how to develop and use a guide are pointless if you aren't targeting your audience. If your business mostly works with tech-savvy people, you can use advanced technology-driven tools that engage directly with customers.

However, it won't do you any good if your target audience isn't interested. Additionally, you want how to guides that are interesting, support your brand, and drive consumer engagement. You can use online forums and target general questions, such as "how to make a step by step guide."

If you have a marketing team, use questions they have seen pop up in emails, online chats, and more. This is where quality support enablement features come in handy. They will pinpoint your customers' concerns and give you excellent data to work with when developing step by step tutorials.

4. Use Visuals for Step by Step Tutorials

Visuals are key to an excellent step by step tutorial. Organized videos can help with:

  • Easily capturing knowledge
  • Share knowledge across multiple platforms
  • Configure spaces
  • Ask questions
  • Contextualizes knowledge
  • Retain knowledge

Videos offer quick and easy access for employees and customers. Quality video content should focus on one problem and outline the exact steps on how to resolve it.

It should be informative, concise, and easy to follow. If your company prides itself on a light-hearted attitude, feel free to add humor. Otherwise, ensure you remain on brand and always have an option for asking more questions.

One way you can use videos outside of customer step by step guides is employee onboarding. Screen sharing and video capturing allow onboarding employees to learn the ropes quickly, especially for businesses transitioning to remote work.

You can easily share videos with team members on popular platforms like Slack and get feedback. During video creations, you can design the process for new employees or customers who are stuck and need to ask a question. Instant notifications allow you to see the question and video response, helping you pinpoint the problem more quickly.

Other innovative solutions to video creation content are:

  • Auto-label knowledge
  • Search knowledge
  • Organize knowledge
  • Embed into your Tech Stack

You can access customizable videos and learn as a team, helping your current staff retain valuable knowledge and spreading that wealth to your customers.

5. Hire the Professionals

Hiring professionals for software enablement platforms can unify your sales execution and marketing teams. It is crucial to develop quality step by step guides. For starters, it takes the burden off your team by helping customers work through six different tasks in complete unison, including:

  1. Create
  2. Organize
  3. Publish
  4. Discover
  5. View
  6. Analyze

Using Guidde's platform, you will also notice several innovative solutions. It can jump to relevant applications and assimilate the necessary information. Guidde also provides the necessary data and analytics tracking, helping your team target customers and boost retention rates.

Start Developing Your Step by Step Guide Template

Have you wanted to create a step by step guide template but don't know where to start? First, it is essential that your business utilizes a platform that helps you engage and communicate with your customers.

By using Guidde, you can boost onboarding, improve product value, and retain customers. Guidde specializes in software enablement, helping you use technology to scale your business and help deliver critical information to employees and customers.

Are you ready to get started? Sign up today for our Free forever offering.

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