4. Click "Add an Answer Bot example trigger to get started"
5. Click "Edit"
6. Rename your Answer Bot email trigger
7. At "Requester" select "Is not"
8. Then Click "(assignee)"
9. Edit your email body where applicable. Leave in Article placeholders
10. Click "Save"
11. Your email article trigger is now active, but you will need to deactivate the "Notify requester and CCs.." trigger else the system will send multiple notifications to end user
12. Click "Objects and rules"
13. Click "Triggers"
14. Open Notification triggers
15. Click here at "Notify requester and CCs .."
16. Click "Deactivate"
17. Click "Deactivate"
18. Lets test the email article recommendation notification
19. Articles recommended based off comments in the email that match my article lables