Encompass Technologies Revolutionizes Documentation and AI Training with Guidde

Encompass accelerates content creation and enhances AI capabilities with Guidde, significantly boosting operational efficiency.

"In my position, one of my biggest challenges is getting people to share knowledge internally and externally. Guidde eliminates this challenge."

Lory Hamill

Customer Enablement Program Manager

Key results

90% Reduction in Video Creation Time

With Guidde, creating videos now takes just 1 hour, down from 4-6 hours.

13% Increase in CSAT

A comprehensive overhaul of our support strategy, including the integration of Guidde videos into Encompass’s AI chatbot, has significantly improved customer satisfaction.

Enhanced Branding and Engagement

The brand kit feature and control over Encompass’s voice ensured consistently professional content.

Encompass Technologies is a trailblazer in delivering innovative solutions, dedicated to providing top-notch, effective documentation for their customers. At a crucial point in their growth, Encompass needed resources that were not only meaningful but also available 24/7.

Enter Guidde, a game-changer in their video creation and AI training processes.

The Challenge

Before Guidde came into the picture, Encompass Technologies struggled with producing high-quality documentation quickly. Creating branded videos with voiceovers and scripts was a slow, tedious process that ate up a lot of resources.

As they reached a critical stage in their lifecycle, it became clear that having up-to-date content available round-the-clock was essential for keeping customers happy.

The guidde Solution

To revolutionize their documentation and training, Encompass turned to Guidde. The goal was to produce top-quality documentation quickly and easily.

Guidde’s seamless integration with their systems, including Zendesk, and its ability to handle both written and video content, made it the perfect choice. Some standout features included:

  • Pronunciation Control: Crucial for their niche industry filled with specific acronyms.
  • Branding: Ensured all content looked professional and on-brand.
  • Spaces: Helped maintain control over Encompass’s voice and style.

The Results

Partnering with Guidde led to fantastic results for Encompass Technologies:

  • Huge Time Savings: Video creation time dropped dramatically from 4-6 hours to just 1 hour.
  • Reduced Support Calls: Videos integrated into their AI chatbot led to a 25% reduction in support calls.
  • Boosted Efficiency: The brand kit feature saved tons of time, ensuring videos were always on-brand and polished.

Lory Hamill,Customer Enablement Program Manager at Encompass Technologies, couldn’t be happier with Guidde’s impact: “Guidde has been a game-changer for us. The ability to quickly create high-quality, branded videos with voiceovers and scripts has significantly streamlined our documentation process. It’s incredibly easy to use, and the integration with our systems, including Zendesk, has been seamless. The time savings are immense, and our customers benefit from having the most up-to-date content available at all times.”

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