
3 Benefits of Transferring Technical Documentation into Video Format

Address common hurdles in understanding technical information and explore how video documentation improves the learning experience.

Arjel Vajvoda
Jul 16, 2024
min read

Did you know the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text?

Traditionally viewed as dry and uninspired, technical documentation can find a new life. You can easily change how users learn and interact with your product by transforming technical information into engaging, easy-to-understand videos.

What is Technical Documentation?

Technical documentation describes the purpose and architecture of a product, explaining how to use the service to developers, testers, and end-users.

Benefits of Video Documentation

1. Cost Savings

The initial expense for video equipment and personnel is high. On the other hand, the costs for updates and maintenance are lower than technical documentation—especially if you use AI video creation tools like guidde.

2. Better Engagement

Users often face challenges when deciphering complex technical information in written documents. Since the text is static, it can't clearly explain the dynamic aspect of technological processes.

A well-crafted video documentation with visual cues and clear narration presents a complex subject in an easily digestible way. The interactive nature of videos also encourages users to engage with the content actively.

Video documentation can improve the efficacy of product onboarding across various industries, such as:

  • Information Technology (IT): Users can visually understand how to use complex software applications by watching video documentation. Troubleshooting clips can also help them learn how to solve common issues, reducing the reliance on customer support.
  • Manufacturing and Engineering: Operators need clear and concise instructions on how to use complex machinery. A video demonstration can help them learn maintenance and safety protocols to find and fix problems quickly.

» Check out the unexpected link between video thumbnails and user engagement

3. Inclusiveness

Video documentation suits various learning preferences by offering visual, auditory, and kinesthetic content. Plus, users with impaired hearing or eyesight can follow the process quickly by reading closed captions or listening to narration.

a woman sitting at a table with a laptop
A woman sitting at a table with a laptop

Video Documentation: Evaluating Effectiveness and Accuracy

You'll need to approach your documentation from various perspectives to see how well you're doing and whether you should improve it.

Use a combination of the following approaches:

  • Quantitative Analytics Tools: Completion rates and interactions can help you see which parts of videos need to be more accessible and engaging so you can improve.
  • Qualitative User Feedback: Surveys, comments, and forums can help you understand how well users understand your video documentation.

How to Ensure Technical Documentation Is Up-to-Date?

  1. Establish a regular review and update cycle to keep your documentation fresh and engaging.
  2. Encourage continuous feedback from internal teams and external users to identify areas for improvement.
  3. Choose a documentation owner to oversee the update process, leveraging a version control system to track changes and make updates quickly.
  4. Use a documentation generator to make the creation and maintenance of your processes easier.
  5. Create a knowledge base and start using a help desk to provide a centralized hub for documentation and user support.

Video Documentation: Future of Information Delivery

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and so is the way we communicate information. Video documentation is a powerful tool to simplify complex concepts, improve comprehension, and improve the overall user experience.

As we look toward the future, AI will play an even more significant role in revolutionizing how we use video content. With tools like guidde, you'll lead the way in helping users and teams use your product in every way.

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