One of the main downfalls of large, monolithic on-prem software applications is their enterprise specific customizations. Often times, this led to the establishment of a code branch that was extremely challenging to support and essentially locked the customer into using the customized environment for many years. Indeed, WYSIWYG was one of the main selling points of SaaS applications, at least in the early days. Every customer, regardless of where they were, would run the exact same version as everyone else, leveraging a single unified code-base which was tested by the masses.
While this held true, at least for some time and at least for some SaaS apps, today’s reality has turned out to be very different. Talk to any enterprise SaaS application customer - CRM, ERP or HR - and they will surely tell you that the plain vanilla version that you see on that vendor's site bears little resemblance to the version they have deployed in their organization. Phrases like "night and day", "we don't even recognize the app anymore", and "our version looks completely different" are not out of the ordinary.
A recurring topic we hear from application system integrators is that the vast majority of application usability questions they receive are enterprise dependent and correlated not to the app itself but rather to the specific configuration of that enterprise.
The reason for this phenomena is something we call the Digital Triplet. The digital triplet identifies three virtual states for each software application.
Application as Designed ≠ Application as Integrated ≠ Application as Used!
This triplet phenomena spans nearly every department and every tool within the organization. It's how your company does lead scoring or territory division in the CRM and it also spans the PTO and employee review processes in your HR platform.
It's something that seems natural - however its implication is that now the organization has to train their workforce on at least two but in many cases all three triplets. You want your employees to understand and know how to use the mechanics of each tool but at the same time you want them to know how "we use this tool in our company".
In most organizations we spoke with, the answer to this training challenge is typically reliant on employees figuring it out for themselves - "sink or swim", "I'll just follow the lunch crowd". When each employee is expected to master >30 applications, this approach becomes a tall order and frustration builds. Topic for our next post.